Welcome to Redbridge Pre School – New Starter Information
Please contact us on 02380 764211 to arrange a time to come and look around our Pre School and meet our Staff.
Please click on the link for a waiting list form. Either email or pop the form back to us. Children can be added at anytime to our waiting list and at any age.
5. Childcare Terms and Conditions
Settling in
Once we have your child on our register we will arrange a suitable day for you to come in and spend some time with our staff and children; and complete paperwork. Please allow approximately an hour for this visit.
At the end of your visit we will arrange a transition plan for you and your child and a start date.
We ask that your child’s birth certificate is brought along with you at the visit. We must record that we have seen this before they can start with us.
If you would like to fill out some of the paper work before your visit please click the links below