Fees (where applicable)

Fees should be paid promptly and IN ADVANCE
You can pay by online banking, BACS or childcare vouchers
ALL absences must be paid for
We need 4 weeks notice to change or cancel sessions
If you fall into arrears your child's place at pre-school may be a risk

Funding for 3 & 4 year olds

Your child is funded from the term AFTER their 3rd birthday.

They are entitled to 15 hours funding per week. Parents can chose the days and time slots they would like and mix and match to suit. EG – Breakfast club and AM session or AM, lunch club and PM.

30 Hour Funding for 3 & 4 year olds – for working parents

If eligible, your child may be entitled to 30 hours free funding starting in the term after their 3rd birthday.

Please visit www.childcarechoices.gov.uk or www.childcare-support.tax.service.gov.uk  for further details.

If you receive your code please email it to us for us for validation.

You will receive an email every 3 months to remind you to re-confirm validation via your account with HMRC.

Codes need to be applied for BEFORE the start of term and  are then valid for the term  AFTER.

Funding for 2 year olds

Southampton City Council is able to offer eligible two year olds up to 570 hours of early education per year over a minimum of 38 weeks from the term after your child’s second birthday.

This means the maximum you can take in one week at Redbridge Preschool is 15 hours.

This funding will continue until your child is able to claim their three year old place.

To qualify, the Government states that the parent/carer must be in meet certain criteria.

You can check your child’s eligibility online at www.southampton.gov.uk/2yearfunding

Any extra hours your child attends fees will apply.

Fees from April 2023, (Fee's will increase each year in line with inflation)

Fee Type Cost
Breakfast Club £5 per session
Non funded session £19 session
Lunch Club £6.50 per day
Late pick up £3

Fee's from September 2023

Fee Type Cost
Breakfast Club £5
Non Funded Session £19
Lunch £6.50
Late pick up £3

Opening Times

We are open term time only. We use the Southampton City Council term date calendar. This runs for 39 weeks a year and we will close 5 days over the year for Inset days. The calendar can be found here.

We are very flexible on when your child can come (depending on availability). Children can stay AMs, PMs, with or without lunch and all day. Please see our Fees & Funding page for more details.

Monday – Friday (term time only)

Breakfast Club – 8.00 – 8.30

Am session – 8.30 – 11.30

Lunch club – 11.30 – 12.15

Pm session – 12.15 – 3.15

After School Club – 3.15 – 3.30

Our Latest Ofsted inspection was ‘OUTSTANDING’

Take a look at our Ofsted Report
