Every Child a Talker, is a plan we follow to help enhance children’s language skills. We cover 4 main areas.

Social communication
Listening & Attention

Each child has an ECaT Audit tool sheet which the key person will use to plan activities for your child to help them to achieve the statements.

We audit twice a year to help keep the children on track, if they are a little behind or need extra support we will work with them within the settling or if needed with the parents permission get outside help.  ie, Speech and Language therapist.

For more information speak to our ECAT Lead Practitioner ELP- Dawn Cooper who will be happy to help.


Reading is a great way to build up children’s concentration and vocabulary. Please click the link below for some benefits to reading with your child.

Benefits of reading Book Club Newsletter

Opening Times

We are open term time only. We use the Southampton City Council term date calendar. This runs for 39 weeks a year and we will close 5 days over the year for Inset days. The calendar can be found here.

We are very flexible on when your child can come (depending on availability). Children can stay AMs, PMs, with or without lunch and all day. Please see our Fees & Funding page for more details.

Monday – Friday (term time only)

Breakfast Club – 8.00 – 8.30

Am session – 8.30 – 11.30

Lunch club – 11.30 – 12.15

Pm session – 12.15 – 3.15

After School Club – 3.15 – 3.30

Our Latest Ofsted inspection was ‘OUTSTANDING’

Take a look at our Ofsted Report
