SEN includes:

Michelle Frampton, our Speacial Educationl Needs and Disaabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCO), works alongside all children with SEN and has worked at the pre-school for over 20 years.

Speech & Language
and monitors other additional needs
Individual Educational Plans (IEP)

SEN training includes:

All SEN children have IEP’s which help them move on and reach their individual targets.

Coeliac Disease
Challenging Behaviour
Visual impairment
Cerebral palsy
Behaviour management
Speech and Language delay
Autistic spectrum disorder
Special Educational Needs
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Attention Deficit Disorder
Epi pen trained
Emotional needs
Deafness Or Hard Of Hearing
Learning difficulties
Language impairment
Global delay
Severe And Complex Physical And Learning Disabilities
Aspergers Syndrome
Serious allergy
Physical impairment
Medication - Administration Of

When the children first join preschool the parents meet with the key person and fill out the Unique Child Booklet together. This booklet is all about the child and covers areas about: family life; interests, such as likes and dislikes; needs with regard to eating, hygiene and abilities. It is designed to support the staff within the setting, to be able to understand how to meet the best interests of the child and make sure we can provide things to help the children to settle.  This meeting helps to build a relationship between staff and parents as well so together we can support and help each other.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and use an online learning journal called Tapestry to record  photographs and videos of your child in the new enriching experiences they have. From the child’s starting points we make plans and targets to help your child progress at a stage suitable for their individual needs.

We discuss your child’s strengths and areas for development with you. If you or staff have any concerns about their development the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCo) will offer support and advice.


Each key child has a nurturing keyperson who will support your child, they will work closely with the rest of the staff within the preschool to help meet the needs of all our children. Our experienced and dedicated SENDCO will help to oversee the provision for all the children with special educational needs and disabilities and provide support to help this. The children all have individual education plans to help achieve their targets.

We work closely with outside agencies such as health visitors, speech and language therapists, portage, and physiotherapist. We follow their recommendations to help the children to meet the planned individual targets.

We use the Every Child a Talker (ECAT) guidance to help all children’s language and communication skills. When the children first start we ask the parents to highlight the areas that their child can do at home to act as a guide. At preschool we use this to help us choose activities and games which are designed to be able to support the children.

We work closely with our Area SENDCo and Early Years Support Teacher who can offer advice or signpost us to any other agencies or support networks if we feel your child may need extra support. We can apply for children to have 1:1 funding to gain intense support from the SENDCo or keyperson.

We work with occupational health and portage so we can get specialist equipment for your child if necessary such as custom made frames or chairs.

We have a SENDCo on site at all times.

Michelle works closely with outside agencies/ local authorities such as; our Early Years Advisory Teacher (EYAT), paediatricians, physio and occupational therapists, SALT (speech & language)


When a child becomes of Primary School age, Michelle meets with the schools so that the children under SEN have a smooth transition.

If you have any concerns about your Child’s educational needs please feel free to speak to Michelle on 02380 764211

For more information go to to find our Local Offer details.

Opening Times

We are open term time only. We use the Southampton City Council term date calendar. This runs for 39 weeks a year and we will close 5 days over the year for Inset days. The calendar can be found here.

We are very flexible on when your child can come (depending on availability). Children can stay AMs, PMs, with or without lunch and all day. Please see our Fees & Funding page for more details.

Monday – Friday (term time only)

Breakfast Club – 8.00 – 8.30

Am session – 8.30 – 11.30

Lunch club – 11.30 – 12.15

Pm session – 12.15 – 3.15

After School Club – 3.15 – 3.30

Our Latest Ofsted inspection was ‘OUTSTANDING’

Take a look at our Ofsted Report
